October 2002

Tuesday 10th October 2002

Still waiting for the house move. I don't know how these things are done in Japan, but it's a real long drawn out process here - everyone trying to squeeze their last few quid out of you. We're really looking forward to moving and setting up our nice new home, but I have to say, for the last week or so I've been pining for Japan. My image of Japan may be clouded slightly by the fact that I was living as an expat, but I always think of the place as slightly less rough around the edges than the UK, a bit like I always used to think England was more complete than places like Spain and Greece.

I've taken up golf since coming home - even having lessons. I'm playing quite regularly, something even an expat can't easily afford to do in Japan!

Yuki and I went to "Sukiyaki", the Japanese restaurant in St Albans last Friday, nice food, but not much for the money. Yuki was surprised to see that our waitress was a lovely young lady whom she'd met at college. Yuki still thinks that English girls are prettier than Japanese girls, I completely disagree!

Friday 18th October 2002

We are on board the 602 bus to St Albans. I just got back from a three day training course in Huntingdon. Yuki wasn't lonely without me as her friend Yasuyo is staying with us for a while, en route back to Japan after spending the best part of a year in Spain learning Spanish.

I've been on the phone a lot the last couple of days to my solicitor and estate agent. The buyer for my flat is holding up the house moving chain. I will be very unhappy if this delay causes us to lose our intended next home. Time for a beer now and to relax, but I'll get chasing things again ASAP.