June 2002

Tuesday 5th June 2002

Ofin partyWent to Ofin's new office on Friday evening for an opening party, lots of good food and wine. Met a presenter from NHK, the Japanese equivalent of the BBC. Didn't talk too much about NHK though, because every time they come ringing my bell to sell me a licence, I tell them I'm a foreigner, and I don't watch NHK - that certainly wouldn't get them to go away back in the UK!

Ronnie's KermitThe World Cup has started big time now. The pubs are heaving with people watching the games. The Irish seem to be having the best fun, they seem to have the knack of partying, plus they have plenty of Irish pubs to do it in! On the opening day France, current Undecide fan!champions were defeated by Senegal, taking part in the competition for the first time! Fantastic start! On Sunday, I went to watch England against Sweden in Saitama. At last it was all about to start for Beckham and the boys. There was a great Dave, Shielah & meatmosphere around the ground, with English, Swedish and Japanese all mixing happily together. The whole event was a lot of fun, after a very good start in which they took the lead,England fans! the match was rather marred by England's second half performance, they came away with a one all draw. Not a disastrous performance, but definitely not one that will win the cup! There were thousands of Japanese England supporters, almost all wearing David Beckham or Michael Owen shirts! It's quite strangeEngland warm up that so many people seem to be supporting teams other than their own.

Next game was Italy vs. Ecuador, I had to fly to Sapporo in the far north of Japan. Had time to do someOdori Park sightseeing before meeting up with Ronnie and Parwez to watch the football. In just a few hours I managed quite a bit of sightseeing. First I visited the World Cup Supporters' Village in the long Odori Park in the middle of the city, it's been set up to keep people entertained between games and provide useful information. After walking through a pretty run-down shopping arcade, Sapporo DomeI then went up to the observation deck of the TV Tower, the tower is very much like the one near my apartment in Tokyo, but I guess, not as tall. It gave Cooked?a great view of the city and its park though, and you could even see the Sapporo Dome shimmering in the distance. Took a quick walk to the fish market famous for its huge Sapporo crabs, Sapporo beer factorythey were all bound with elastic bands and sitting on ice, I suspect they were still alive. Hold on a second, if they're red, can they still be alive, or does that mean they've already been cooked? Not much of a culinary expert! Ronnie, Parwez & meNext was the original Sapporo beer factory, it's a nice old brick building, something there are far too few of in Japan, but it's been converted into a shopping mall. From there I went to a real Sapporo factory on whose grounds there is the Sapporo Beer Garden. Just had timeEcuador fans! for a quick pint before having to get back to the station to meet Parwez and Ronnie. Dropped off at their hotel, where I would be sneaking a free night's accommodation, while I was Italy fans!waiting for them, I had a hanko made. A hanko is a little stamp with red ink, about the size of a lipstick, that the Japanese use in place of a signature. Then it was time to hit a couple of bars to watch the day's first two games, after which we made our way Phil the linesmanto the Sapporo Dome to watch the match, must admit, we'd had a few beers by the time we made our way into the stadium. I was kitted out in Ecuador colours (made the shirt myself), and bought a scarf at the England game. Unfortunately, Ecuador lost two nil to a very impressive Italy side. My mate Phil was the linesman at this match, it's quite weird seeing your friend officiating at the World Cup, massive achievement. After-match partyI yelled my lungs out as he finally left the pitch, but alas, he couldn't hear me. After the game we partied on late on into the night at a bar in the city, Ecuadorians having almost as much of a good time as the Italians.

Next day, arranged some accommodation in Sapporo for the England Argentina game on Friday, this was not easy, as you can imagine, most of it had been booked up months ago, and also many places are afraid of the English hooligans. SapporoEventually managed to arrange a Japanese style room, the fact that I spoke Japanese, and my wife was from Tokyo was a big help. Lastly I took a relaxed look around more of the city before flying home. Got home just in time to see the second half of Japan's two two draw with Belgium, then later watched Korea beat Poland two nil! Great start for the host countries.

Tuesday 18th June 2002

Tequila!The day after returning from Sapporo, I went up to Miyagi with Ronnie and Parwez to watch the Ecuador Mexico game,. The Mexicans were really going for it with the tequila, they were also literally pouring it down the neck of their Euador girls!tour-guide! It was another fun day out, a huge party atmosphere, but it was another defeat for brave little Ecuador in their first World Cup finals.

The Friday before last I was back up in Sapporo, this time with Martin and Dave, England supporters. English chaps!Went to a bar to watch the Sweden Nigeria match, unfortunately, despite taking the lead Nigeria lost two one. Met up with a mate of Martin's, who'd arranged some alternative accommodation (the Hats!Japanese place needed us to be there straight after the game).

In the evening we went to the big match, England Argentina, what a fantastic night, Japanese England fanBeckham paid back the Argentines for all the problems they've caused us in the past, by scoring a penalty won by Michael Owen. A dream come true, followed by a night of partying! First we managed to get invited to a private party full of England fans Gin-up!(where the drink was free most of the time), then we went on to a small, happening night club, filled with fans from all over the place. Finally got back to the hotel at four-thirty in the morning!

During the next few days, France and argentina, the two cup favourites, both failed to qualify for the second round, whereas England drew with Nigeria to qualify, along with both hosts, Japan and Korea!

Yokohama StadiumLast Thursday, I went with Marlon and my brother-in-law, Ken-san, to the Ecuador Croatia match in Yokohama, where the final will be played. The Ecuadorians won the game one nil, but didn't do enough to qualify for the second round, that didn't seem to Japanese Ecuadorians!dampen their spirits at all, they just had a great party and celebrated like they'd won the World Cup itself!Japan fans!

On friday, it was down to the Little Euro to watch the Japan Tunisia game, Japan had just to not lose by two goals to qualify, but won two nil to do it in style! Went to Shibuya with Marlon for a few beers afterwards. When we left the bar at about half eleven, the streets More Japan fans!were one big party, with drunken Japanese having the times of their lives. Strangely, a Teenage Ninja!policeman took it upon himself to give Marlon a punch in the stomach! It wasn't much of a blow, so there was no reaction, but it's curious as to what his motive was.Shibuya girls

On Saturday, I asked Nigerian Greg, in Mad Mulligan's when he wanted the USA Mexico ticket he'd promised to take off my hands, he said he no longer needed it. What a ba$£@&d! That's cost me a hundred dollars, and it was too late to even give the ticket to anyone else!

Party, including Andre, the Dutch master!Also on Saturday, a bunch of friends piled round to our apartment to watch, first Germany Paraguay, then the big match, England Denmark. What a result, okay, so the Germans beat the South Americans, but we also saw off the Danes, and by Yuji & Toshian impressive three nil margin too! Went to Roppongi later in the evening with Toshi and Yuji. Some young Japanese fan swapped his genuine red England replica shirt, for my genuine white England T-shirt - bit of an upgrade on my part!

Watched the Brazil Belgium match in Mad Mulligan's, Brazil won two nil, lining them up with the English for the quarter final on Friday - exciting, but daunting prospect!

Friday 21st June 2002

Yanks!I'm writing from a train station internet terminal in Busan, South Korea. We're off to Ulsan soon to first watch the English beat Brazil on a big outdoor screen, then off to the Germany USA game where Phil is the linesman. I came to Busan last year on business, but I've had a much better trip this time already (I haven't been ill)! I kipping in Ronnie and Parwez's hotel room, then tomorrow I'll set off alone to see a bit of Korea, before meeting up again in Seoul, to see the semi-final (England vs. Korea?)!

Sunday 23rd June 2002

Phil & meWell things didn't turn out as planned, England got beat two one by Brazil, and the Germans beat the USA. Obviously I'm not happy about the England result, especially as we'd been winning one nil. One good change of plan though, was that I got a ticket at a very resonable price for the Korea Spain game in Gwangju. After the England match, I went up the road to the official FIFA hotel in Ulsan, to see Phil. CornerIt was good to meet up so far from home. A couple of hours later I saw Phil again, but this time he was running the line in a World Cup quarter-final!

Early Yesterday morning I set off by bus to Gwangju, when I arrived, I met up with Gavin, the guy that had sold me my ticket. We sorted out a cheap hotel, then went off to the game. Me & GavinThe atmosphere was unbelievable, it didn't get any quieter either, as the Koreans held Spain to a goal-less draw after extra time. When they won the game on penalties, the place erupted, and the parties began! I stayed out in Gwangju town until about two-thirty, Korean policemanbut I'm sure the celebrations went on much longer.

Today, I caught a bus north to a coastal town called Gunsan. My plan is to visit a small island tomorrow, although the weather is not looking too good at the moment. My immediate plan is to go to the restaurant and the bar, Korea is so cheap after Japan! Pride of Asia!

Monday 24th June 2002

Port of Gunsan Well, I'm still in the hotel, I went to the port, but due to the weather, the boat to Seonyudo is not running today. Last night I went into the town to eat and drink, as the hotel is almost empty. The people I've met so far in Korea have been really friendly and helpfull, often going out of their way to assist me. I was even short of cash in a bar last night, and they just told me to pay tonight! Unthinkable in an English bar if they don't know you. Got to find something to do now until the bar opens!