This Gaijin Ring site is owned by Ricktherazor
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OK people, here's the story...

I was asked to go to Japan for a couple of years to do some research. I thought about it and decided to go for it. Where could I find out more about what I was to face in that strange land?...

Of course, THE INTERNET! Font of all knowledge! I looked... I found... but I didn't find the day to day nitty-gritty detail I was after. I didn't let this put me off. I decided I'd go anyway.

But you... you have found what I have created to fill that void. I hope you find it interesting, possibly useful and maybe even a little amusing. If not, let me know (it's always nice to know there's someone out there)!

It won't be the most accurate or comprehensive account on the net, but it will certainly be true to life. Well that's the intro' over, now please enjoy!...